Helpful suggestions and information

These are links and articles describing ways to fight CoVID-19 transmission and infection.

I personally believe and experience how my faith and my foundation help me stay healthy during these trying times. If you would like to understand and share in that I encourage regular visits to Bible Gateway to read the daily verse.

Spiritual guidance

Please understand the “vaccine”

I put vaccine in quotes because it is not a vaccine by the original definition:

Below is an excerpt from Wikipedia. The title is a link.

mRNA-based therapeutics

Full length mRNA molecules have been proposed as therapeutics since the beginning of the biotech era but there was little traction until the 2010s, when Moderna Therapeutics was founded and managed to raise almost a billion dollars in venture funding in its first three years.

It is amazing to me that so many people are eagerly waiting for their “vaccine”.

What happened to me when I tried to upload the video at the above site to YT:

Common Anti-Parasite Drug May Kill Coronavirus in Under 48 Hours, Say Researchers

Covid-19 had us all fooled, but now we might have finally found its secret.

EPA List N: Disinfectants for Use Against SARS-CoV-2

How to Clean Your Home for Coronavirus

Can Ibuprofen aggravate coronavirus? French health minister says yes

Humor Helps. Laugh lots.

101-Year-Old Spanish Flu and World War 2 Survivor Has Now Beat COVID-19 As Well

Negative swab test does not necessarily mean you don’t have CoVID-19:

COVID-19 found in sputum and feces samples after pharyngeal swabs are negative

but now we know that a positive test does not necessarily mean you DO have CoVID-19. The information is regularly updating but “official” information should be constantly questioned as it has changed the most dramatically and is supposed to be “science based”. Why would it not be responsible and moral to question the people in charge of the mass media coverage when they are affecting the thoughts of millions?

The following was shared on Facebook nearly a year ago at the time of this update. Anyone reading it can do their own research to determine the validity of the information but please understand that there is a lot of new information regarding testing now:

“My name is Patrick Tucker. I’m an ER/urgent care physician in Mississippi for 30 years.  I own 2 urgent care clinics for the last 21 years.  I currently use the Abbott ID Now molecular testing platform and have researched each of the testing mechanisms currently available.  There is significant misinformation being transmitted, primarily about the quick antibody tests which might be dangerous.  My information is from knowledge of these tests and package inserts from the antibody tests.  This is critical information for healthcare workers. 
Let me basically explain the current tests available for Covid-19 (none of which are flawless):
1). The current test being used is run on very expensive, complex  machines and looks for the RNA of the virus.  Test result timings vary depending on the busyness of each lab receiving specimens.  We are seeing results as quickly as 24 hours or as long as 7-8 days.  These testing platforms are generally only available at hospitals or reference labs.  
2). Abbott ID Now (formerly Alere-i) test: a molecular test run on small machines that many clinics use, but rarely do hospitals use these machines.  Abbott has a policy of not opening new accounts for these tests. Only clinics currently using the Abbott ID Now platform have access to the tests.  These tests require a nose swab, preferably a deep nasopharyngeal swab.  They look for the genetic material (RNA) from the virus in the specimen.  Positive or negative results are available within 13 minutes.  The machine looks for a positive result at 5 minutes and will report at that time if the test is positive.  A positive result means hat you have the virus in your mucus and can spread it to others.  A negative test means that no virus was found in your mucus.  This test is not perfect and there is no implication that false-negative tests will not occur.  
3). Antibody tests:  there are several companies making quick tests which search your blood for antibodies to Covid-19.  Some of these tests are allowed depending on when they applied for use under the FDA’s EUA. These tests are run on a drop or two of your blood.  Results are usually available in about 10 minutes.  There are two types of antibodies the test is searching for:  IgM and IgG. IgM is the antibody which your body makes soon (1-2 days) after being exposed to a bacterial/viral or parasitic invader.  The production of the IgM antibody only lasts for 2-3 weeks.  This really tells us if we have an acute infection and our body is able to mount an immune response.  The IgG antibody is produced in your body as the long-term response to one of these invaders.  The IgG being positive tells us that our body was exposed at least 2+ weeks prior to the test.  Covid-19 test:  If IgM is positive and IgG is negative, you are in the first couple of weeks of infection.  If IgM and IgG are both positive, you should be recovering from an acute infection. If IgM is negative and IgG is positive, you should be recovered from an infection.  The big flaw with these antibody tests is the cross-reaction with other Coronaviruses.  This is plainly stated in the package inserts.  A positive IgG quicktest DOES NOT MEAN you have IgG antibodies or are immune to Covid-19!   It means that you have IgG antibodies to one of the Coronaviruses (maybe or maybe not Covid-19).  A positive IgM antibody result likely means that you have Covid-19, unless there is another non-Covid-19 Coronavirus spreading through your community.  This is a fairly rare occurrence.  Another caveat to the antibody tests….your body has to be able to mount an immune response.  If your body is immunocompromised, this test is useless and may likely show up negative.  
4). Reference lab IgG titer testing:IgG antibody titer testing for Covid-19 is accurate and should be specific to Covid-19.  At this point, we do not know for sure that IgG antibodies to Covid-19 provide a reliable immunity.  
I hope this helps!  Many of us will be told that we are immune and can take care of patients without PPE, etc.  Make sure you know how that determination was made before you take off your PPE!  Be safe! 
Pat Tucker, MD”